Industries | IOT

IOT – Internet of Things

The Internet of Things (IoT), refers to the concept of connecting any device that can be switched on/ off to the internet. By using IoT systems, data can be transferred over a network without requiring any human contact, saving the company time. Over the last few years, there has been a major growth in IoT within organisations, as companies are using IoT to function more efficiently, understand their clients to provide improved customer service, improve decision-making within the organisation and to grow the value of the organisation.

IoT provides many benefits for organisations, these include;

  • Companies can monitor overall business processes more effectively.
  • Customer experience can be improved through analysis of data.
  • Companies can save time and money, through analysing data and improving systems that are costly to the company.
  • Employee productivity is improved, as IoT helps employees do their jobs more efficiently.
  • Companies can make better business decisions because they are more informed by the data IoT systems can provide to them.
  • By integrating IoT systems, companies can generate more revenue.

Why Choose M&M Qualtech?

At M&M Qualtech we have an IoT incubation hub where we help companies with an idea to develop and commercialise it. Our skilled team work closely with our clients to analyse designs and data to help clients produce a product which meets all the needs and requirements of end users, but also a product which is cost effective for our client to manufacture.

Our design integrated software systems combine different design software in one platform. This software works together to develop designs for our clients. By using IoT as part of the design process, our clients are provided with information about their designs which could only be guessed at before. This knowledge that is given to our clients helps them develop better products which will better suit the needs of their customers. The data which can be captured from IoT adds real benefits to our clients, as it allows them to; optimise their designs in the prototype stage – saving them time and money if the design faults were discovered later in the process.

Our skilled team have a lot of experience and knowledge in the IoT area. If you would like to learn more about IoT at M&M Qualtech, contact us today.